Ball Machine Club

Our new ball machine, purchased in 2024 is a Playmate Ace.  It is stored in the tennis cage inside the equipment shed which is located under the upper deck of the Community Hall.  To access the machine, you must must be a current RTC member (see Joining the Club – also includes the opportunity to join the Ball Machine Club). If you didn’t join the Ball Machine Club when you purchased your membership, you can join after the fact by clicking this link: Join the BMC now.  After registering, you should receive a system-generated email with the access codes for the shed lockbox and the cage combination lock.  The lock box is located on the wall beside the shed door.  After using the machine and returning it to the cage, please ensure both locks are properly secured.

A plug for the extension cord is located on the light pole nearest to the Community Hall.  Before using the machine, please familiarize yourself with the Ball Machine Manual.