Box Singles League
For members who are looking for a bit more competition, we suggest they try our box league. Here’s how it works:
– 3 players per box
– one month time limit to play the other 2 people in your box
– each match is best of 3 sets or 1 Pro-Set if both players agree
– monthly results determine which player goes up and which player goes down
– the goal is to get into a box with similarly skilled players
– scoring is based on total matches, sets, and games won.
– players are responsible for organizing their own matches and recording results
Box league starts May 1st and will run though to end-September! Please sign-up for May league by Sunday April 28th as it is hard to squeeze in players later. If you missed the May league and wish to play in June you can do so.
Players will be added to boxes on a first come, first serve basis. The initial box alignment will be on a seeded basis based on last season’s league results.
Remember, it’s not about being in box #1 all summer, it’s more about playing in a box with players with the same skill level as yourself! That way it remains both fun and competitive.
Participants must be Club members (see Joining the Club). A simple web based system to log-in your score sheet has been set-up for participants. If you wish to play, contact The Competitions Director with the following information: Main contact telephone number, e-mail, full name, and skill level (if new to RTC).
Doubles Competition
For 2023, the RTC Doubles League is scheduled to commence on April 25th. The League will run until June 30th. All 3 courts will be in use.
This year we will again have three Divisions: Women’s, Men’s and Mixed. The Women’s Division will play Tuesday evenings, the Men’s Thursday evenings , and the Mixed Friday evenings. There will be an “A” and “B” Draw in each Division.
Due to constraints on court time this spring, we may have to “cap” the number of Doubles Teams in each Division to 18 teams, so the sooner a Team signs up for the league the better. The deadline for entry will be April 21, 2023.
If you do not have a partner, but wish to play, let us know and we will do our best to find you one. For more information or to register, please contact the Doubles League Co-ordinator.
Singles Tournaments
Once again, a fun Spring singles tournament is scheduled for Saturday, June 1st. Plan is for both men and women’s competitions and a consolation round. Watch this space and e-mail news for sign-up details.
Club Singles Competition will be held August 22-25th. There will be both men’s and women’s draws with a single knock-out format. Draw will be seeded and matches will be scheduled from Thursday through Sunday. There are trophies for both men’s and women’s winners and runner-ups.
Members are also encouraged to participate in Tennis Alberta tournaments. Several RTC members are active in these tournaments and have done well in recent years.