Every Monday evening from 6:00 until 10:30 (weather permitting) is Tennis Night in Rosedale. Whoever shows up, plays. All levels are welcome to attend (the focus is on fun and socializing rather than serious competition). As this event has become very popular, mixed doubles is the norm. After each set, partners are shuffled to ensure everyone gets to play with and against other members. It is a great way to get to know other members, and always a very enjoyable social evening.
There is also drop-in doubles tennis every Friday and Saturday morning from 10 AM to noon. This has been running for several years now with good turn-out.
Ladies drop-in doubles occurs every Sunday morning from 10 AM to noon.
All 3 courts are reserved for drop-in sessions, but players are encouraged to swap in anyone who shows up to ensure no one is waiting very long to play.