RTC will once again be offering Junior Lessons this year. We currently do not have any plans to offer Adult Lessons, but if you have an interest (or have any other questions about lessons), please contact the RTC Lessons Director.
Please Note:
- All individuals participating in lessons must be members of the Rosedale Community Association.
- Participants are not required to be members of the Rosedale Tennis Club, but will not have post-lesson access to the courts until they join the Club.
- A $25 discount on lessons is available by first purchasing an RTC Family tennis membership (the system will provide a discount code that you can then apply when registering for lessons).
- Dates are fixed – changes will only occur as the result of inclement weather, or as determined by the coach. If a program needs to be cancelled, there will be a full refund.
- Registration is via our on-line internet-based registration system, utilizing Stripe online payment software to process payments.